It hits when I least expect it
I was folding laundry, my mind in a far off spot thinking about who knows what. Then it hits like a lightning bolt out of a clear blue sky. I miss Dakota. With Christmas approaching, thoughts of what I am missing, what my parents missing is fresh in my mind. I realize that the Christmas holiday hasn't been the same since 2001, his last with us. We go through the motions but really, all our minds are on the emptoy spot with us and within us. I know he's not what Christmas is about and while I don't forget the real reason for the season, I also realize that the magic of Christmas is more real, more special, more fun when there are children around. Granted, he'd be 9 so not the little kid embedded in my memory, but still someone to spoil and to love and to make us laugh.
Christmases Past
3 1/2 months old and oh so fragile and oh so precious.

His biggest brother was the best--he loved him so much.
1 year, 3 1/2 months
With his papaw.
2 years, 3 1/2 months
Ready to dig in.
3 years, 3 1/2 months
Fully immersed in the Christmas spirit.
His last Christmas to physically spend with his family.
4 years, 3 1/2 months
Less than 7 months later, he was taken from us.
Hugs to you and your family Jennifer. I can't imagine what it would be like to face holidays after loosing a child in the family.
Sorry for your loss, Jennifer. And thank you for adding my blog to your sidebar.
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