Grassheads or Homemade Chia Pets
We made these little guys last week. They have really started sprouting. I think they are just too cute, so had to share.
Here they are the day we made them.

And here they are a week later. See the sprouts of grass?

This guy really needs a shave. The facial hair is a little too much. :)
Stay tuned for more pictures of the critters from Ms. B's class.
I'll add that because we have no natural light in our classroom, we used shade grass. I also kept them under a light over the weekend.
Ha! That's too cute!
Too cute! How did you make them? I need to sponge that idea from you to make when I get another teaching gig.
2 T. grass seed (I used fescue), 2 loose cups potting soil in a knee high. You pound it on the table to get it to form a ball, knot, and cut off all but about 3 inches of the tail. The tail soaks up water.
Put in a waterproof container and keep it watered. Glue on faces as desired.
I took more pics today--the grass really grew alot. I even checked after school and could tell some blades had still grown more. Very cool. I think I'm more amused than my students are. :)
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