Has it really been about 2 weeks since I last posted? Well, I guess if the next few months go that fast, I'll be back in Oklahoma in no time at all!
See my reference about the little boy my dad met a few posts ago? Well, I met the same little boy. He is a ham, definitely a little charmer. He didn't want to talk to me much, but he'll come around because I WILL BE HIS TEACHER NEXT YEAR!!! Happy dance, happy dance. I observed, played, got my hands dirty, got a few hugs, oh--and interviewed in the midst of all of that. I received a call yesterday asking if I wanted the job. Of course I said yes! The way everything fell into place just makes me feel like this is meant to be--that school is where I was supposed to land!
So, I'll be teaching in the Norman School District, which is the same city that the University of Oklahoma is in. I am excited about that as well! My parents are coming down Sunday to do some house work for me. I'll be back to work, as this was my spring break. I hope to put it on the market w/i the next 2 weeks. Fun fun!
My blog is turning towards the 'about my life' and will probably be more so once the house is being shown, as I probably won't do much cooking then. It'll be sandwiches and salads for the duration, I'm afraid. However, I do have something in store for tomorrow, so I'll post reviews and pictures then. Here's what it entails:

Stay tuned!